Dr. K R Suresh Bapu

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Dr. K R Suresh Bapu

Experience :
36 Years
Education :
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Dr Suresh Bapuhas done his MBBS and MS from Madurai Medical College. Before joining SIMS Hospital he was working as Additional Professor of Neuro Surgery, Madras Medical College, Chennai and he was a visiting consultant at Apollo Specialty Hospital.He undergone training at Switzerland USA and Japan for neurosurgery.Special training in Micro Neurosurgery of brain tumors, Aneurysms and A V Malformations.

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Life MemberNeurological Society of India
  • Life MemberAssociation of Neuro Spinal Surgeons of India
  • International Vista Member Congress of Neurological Surgeons USA

Unique Contribution

  • Endoscopic skull base and Endoscopic intracranial surgery
  • Cerebro vascular surgery and cerebello-pontine angle tumor surgery