Rabindranath Tagore International Institute Team of Doctors

Hospitals Contact

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Experience :19 Years
Education :MBBS DNB
Specialization :Surgical Oncology
Department :Oncology
Experience :42 Years
Education :MBBS FRCS
Specialization :Kidney Transplant
Department :Transplant
Experience :19 Years
Education :MBBS MS
Specialization :Joint Replacement
Department :Orthopedics
Experience :27 Years
Education :MBBS MS
Specialization :Joint Replacement
Department :Orthopedics
Experience :27 Years
Education :MBBS MCH DNB
Specialization :Kidney Transplant
Department :Transplant
Experience :19 Years
Education :MBBS DMRT
Specialization :Hemato Oncology
Department :Oncology
