Dr. Rucha Kaushik

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Dr. Rucha Kaushik

Experience :
15 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Breast Cancer
Department :


She is a dedicated, compassionate & skilled breast surgeon with more than 7 years of exclusive clinical and research experience in breast cancer field.
Educational qualification:

  • MBBS from 1996 to 2002 from Govt. Medical College Nagpur
  • M.S (Gen Surgery) from 2003 to 20006 from Govt. Medical College Nagpur

Area Of Interest:

  • Breast Cancer Surgery
  • Surgery Following Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy
  • Breast Reconstruction & Oncoplasty
  • Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

Unique Contribution

She was actively involved in very recent and globally recognized randomized controlled trial on metastatic breast cancer patients which brought paradigm shift in management of metastatic breast cancer across the world.
She was actively involved in various phase I/II/III clinical trials related with breast cancer which has been published in various National and International Journals.
Does progesterone protect from chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy?- A retrospective