Dr. Bejoy Abraham

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Dr. Bejoy Abraham

Experience :
38 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Kidney Transplant
Department :


Dr. Bejoy Abraham with Over 30 year's experience, he has worked as a Consultant at premier institutes like CMC, Vellore and Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK
KDAH Experience

  • Dr. Bejoy Abraham with over 30 years experience, he has worked as a Consultant at premier institutes like CMC, Vellore and Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK
  • He has vast experience in management of kidney stones, cancer conditions of bladder, Reconstructive Urology, Renal Transplant, erectile dysfunction and also paediatric urology.

Renal Transplant, Uro Oncology, Robotic Surgery
Services Offered
Renal Transplant, Uro Oncology, Urethroplasty, Cystoplasty, MACE, Epispadias, Exstrophy Repair, Implants, TVT, Female Urology, Neurovesical Dysfunction, BAORI FLAP, Cyestectomy, RPLND, Pyeloplasty, Endourology& Stone, Radical nephrectomywith IVC thrombectomy, Laproscopic donor Nephrology

Fellowships and Memberships

  • BAUS: British Association of Urological Surgeons
  • AUA: American Urological Association
  • USI: Urological Society of IndiaI
  • AUA: Indian American Urological AssociationI
  • UGA: International Urogynecological Association