Dr. P.F. Soonawalla

Dr. P.F. Soonawalla
Experience :
28 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Kidney Transplant
Department :
Hospital :
- Completed training in Urology at the KEM Hospital in Mumbai.
- Then worked at the University College Hospital in London for specialized training in Urologic Oncology and Reconstructive Urology.
- Also worked at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children in London for specialized training in Pediatric Urology.
- Presently working at several hospitals in Mumbai, as Consultant Urologist & Transplant Surgeon.
- Also a member of the Medical Advisory Panel of the Family Planning Association of India.
- Have numerous publications on various subjects in Urology, in both national and international journals.
- Have participated in over 40 national and international conferences usually as an invited speaker on specialized subjects in Urology.
Area of expertise
- Urologic Oncology
- Renal Transplantation
- Endourology
Fellowships and Memberships
- Member of the Urological Society of India. Member of the St. Peters Society, London. Member of the SIU (Society Urology Internationale).
- Member of the Indian American Urology Association.
- Member of the Family Planning Association of India. Member of the Asian Society of Pediatric Urology Member of the Indian Society of Organ Transplantation.
Unique Contribution
- Evaluation of erectile function by N.P.T.' IASECTS Journal of Research in Sexology.
- 'Prognostic markers in upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage' Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.
- 'Comparison of various techniques of small bowel anastamoses. Indian Journal of Surgery.
- 'Bladder dysfunction in Herpes Zoster.' Indian Journal of Urology.
- ‘Spontaneous rupture of a defunctioned urinary bladder - an unusual complication of pelvic irradiation.’ Indian Journal of Urology.
- ‘TUIP versus TURP: a subjective and objective analysis in 220 patients.' British Journal of Urology.
- 'Transurethral incision of the prostate under local anaesthesia.’ Indian Journal of Urology.
- 'Leiomyoma of the female urethra.’ Indian Journal of Urology.
- ‘Long term outcome after percutaneous treatment of Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the renal pevis.’ Journal of Urology .
- 'Lower Pole Heminephrectomy: its role in treating nonfunctioning lower pole segments.' Journal of Urology.
- ‘Use of the Holmium: YAG laser for ureteric stones.’ British Journal of Urology.