Dr. Kumara Swamy

Dr. Kumara Swamy
Experience :
38 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Radiation Oncology
Department :
Hospital :
Dr. Kumara Swamy is trained to be a Radiation Oncologist for over three decades.
In 2005, he joined Curie Centre of Oncology, Bangalore as a consultant which is now known as HCG Curie Centre of Oncology.
Currently, he is a Consultant Radiation Oncologist at HCG since 2008.
The following are the External Radiation Therapy Procedures he is well versed with: Image Guided Radiation Therapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, 3DCRT, Stereotactic Radio-surgery (Cyberknife), Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (SRT) and 2D Simple & Complex Palliative treatments.
He is a specialist in operating Cyberknife, world.