Dr. Ashish Gupta

Dr. Ashish Gupta
Experience :
26 Years
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Dr. Ashish Gupta is Senior Consultant-Neuro & Spine Surgery at Fortis Escorts Hospitals. He is Board Certified Neurosurgeon and has been performing minimal invasive Neuro & Spine Surgery for past 18 years with excellent results.He has vast experience in Neuro-Oncology and has been pioneer in treatment of brain & Spine tumors.He has been awarded as Best Neuro Surgeon in Delhi by Times Research Media in 2012. He is member of American Association of Neurosurgeons and Fellow International Medical Services Academy.He has been a visiting faculty to various hospitals and teaching/demonstrating Neuro Surgery.
Unique Contribution
- Renal Artery Stent Placement: A Simple Technique to Intubate the Renal Artery in Difficult Situations
- Early Aneurysm Formation After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation: An Unusual Life