Dr. Navin. L. Bhambhani

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Dr. Navin. L. Bhambhani

Experience :
18 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Paediatric & Surgical Oncology
Department :


Dr Navin Bhambhani is working as Honorary Consultant Paediatric & Surgical Oncology at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital since March 2015. He completed his graduation from Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai. Post graduation from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.3 year rotational residency in Oncosurgery from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. 1 year Fellowship in Thoracic Surgery from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. Various fellowships in Thoracic and Minimal access Oncosurgery in from Japan National cancer center, Tokyo; Kurume University, Fukuoka; Osaka City Hospital, Osaka; and USA - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
Certified console surgeon – daVinci, CRSA European Chapter Colorectal Course, at ACOI’s Special School of Mini Invasive Robotic Surgery of Misericordia Hospital, Grosseto (Italy) – November 2014.
Subsequently Associate Consultant in Oncosurgery at the PD Hinduja National Hospital & Research Center, Mumbai for over 2 years. Spent a year as Consultant Surgical Oncologist & Minimal Access Oncosurgery In-Charge at Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan – on appointment for establishing the Minimal Access Oncosurgery Department at the institute, a 180 bedded tertiary referral center for Rajasthan. He is presently National Coordinator for VATS & Laparoscopic Colorectal Leadership Programme conducted in co-operation with Ethicon.
Surgical Oncology is his forte with special interest in Thoracic & GI Oncology. In addition to routine Oncosurgery, he has established and is further developing the role of Minimal Access Surgery (MAS) including the role of Robotic Surgery in Oncology.