Dr. Prakash K C

Dr. Prakash K C
Experience :
46 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Kidney Transplant
Department :
Hospital :
Work Experience
- Worked in various hospital from 1979-1988
- Working in Apollo Hospitals since last Assignment
Fellowships and Memberships
- Life Member of Association of Physicians of India
- Life member of Indian society of Nephrology
- Life Member of Peritoneal Dialysis society of Inida
- Secretary Peritoneal Dialysis society of India from 1997- 1999
- Member ERA EDTA
- President Peritoneal Dialysis society of India from 2006-2008
Awards and Achievements
oung investigator award 1993 Japanese Society of Nephrology
Unique Contribution
- Infections I early post transplant period in tropical countries
- Renal graft function -One year study ( In relation to donor specific transfusion and third party transfusion in one haplotype match)
- Haemodialysis using singly lumen subclavian catheter and double pump. An initial experience
- Glomerular filteration rate by Tc99m DTPA compared with endogenous creatinine clearance to assess prospective live related donors
- Ultrasound guided percutaneous renal bipsy
- Short tem study on relative merits of acetate and bicarbonate dialysis
- Cadaveric Renal transplant programme - Our initial experience Ind journal of Neph NS vol7.
- Infective complications of CAPD- A single centre experience . Indian journal of Nephrology
- Calculous Renal Disease and obstructive nephropathy- API text book of Medicine - 8th edition