Dr. Ravishankar Bhat B

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Dr. Ravishankar Bhat B

Experience :
25 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Surgical Gastroenterologist
Department :


Work Experience

  • In his career span of 11 years, Dr. Ravishankar has so far performed 46 Bariatric surgeries, 59 Liver resections, 56 Porto systemic shunts, 42 whipple’s pancreatico duodenectomy , 63 Lateral pancreatico jejunostomy, 2 cases of lap gastrectomy, 9 cases of lap rectopexy, 10 cases of lap fundoplication, 54 cases of hepatojejunostomies for biliary strictur
  • Over 3000 Laparoscopic/open Cholecystectomy (Gall Bladder Removal), over 1000 Laparoscopic Hernia Mesh repairs, over 1000 Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
  • Super speciality proficiency; 508 Bariatric surgeries, 176 Liver resections, 85 Porto systemic shunts,242 Whipple’s Pancreaticoduodenectomy , 63 Lateral pancreaticojejunostomy, 2 cases of lap gastrectomy, 29 cases of lap rectopexy, 42 cases of lap fundoplication, 254 cases of hepatojejunostomies for biliary stricture.
  • Primary surgeon for 2 living donor liver transplantations.
  • Surgically treated 211 pseudocyst of pancreas, 57 Colonic transposition for corrosive stricture oesophagus, 143 cases of oesophagectomy for cancer and 122 cases of laparoscopic anterior resection
  • Gynaecological surgeries like Laparoscopic Hysterectomies and Myomectomies, endometriosis clearance. Experience IN lap myomectomy of 955 cases, mostly in Nigeria where incidence of fibroid uterus is very high
  • With the help of Urologist, worked as primary surgeon for Laparoscopic Pyeloplasties & Laparoscopic Nephrectomiesroficient in doing Endoscopy & Colonoscopy
  • All general surgical procedures

Medical Council Registration
Special Interests

  • Surgical Gastroenterology
  • Liver transplant.
  • Bariatric surgeries.
  • Minimal invasive surgeries.
  • Lap gastrectomy
  • Lap rectopexy
  • Hepaticojejunostomy for biliary stricture
  • Porto systemic shunts


  • A renowned Gastroenterologist and Bariatric surgeon, Dr.Ravishankar Bhat has a vast experience of 17 years experience in the field.
  • He is a specialist who is credited for having conducted more than 3000 Laparoscopic/open Cholecystectomy and about 1000 Laparoscopic Hernia Mesh repairs.
  • He has expertise in range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including Bariatric surgeries, Liver resections, Porto systemic shunts, Whipple’s Pancreaticoduodenectomy , and Lateral pancreaticojejunostomy.
  • A renownedGastroentrologist and bariatric surgeon.
  • He is aspecialist who is credited for having more than 30000 laparoscopic and about 1000 laparoscopic Hernia Mesh repairs.

Unique Contribution

  • Haemorrhagic and Vascular complications of Pancreatitis.Role of octreotide in lower G.I.bleed: A preliminary report of a prospective randomized study.he results of the research was - Octreotide reduces the blood loss, number of bleeding episodes and time taken for the bleeding to stop
  • Has Authored and co-authored several chapters and articles in text books and scientific journals, besides presenting numerous research papers. Some of the papers he has Authored and co-authored are:
  • Haemorrhagic and Vascular complications of Pancreatitis, in: J.D.Wig (ed.) The Pancreas - by Bhat RS, Dwivedi DN, Chattopadhyay
  • Surgeon and HIV infections. Hospital Today - by Dwivedi DN, Bhat RS, Chattopadhyay
  • Solid pseudopapillary tumour of pancreas: A rare neoplasm published in the Indian Journal of Surgery. Co-authored by Miglani Ripan K. Nagesh N. S. Murthy Divakar S. Bhat Ravi Shankar , Nayak Raj Sekhar ,Ashok Kumar K.V
  • Immunoglobulin G4-associated cholangitis mimicking cholangiocarcinoma in a young boy. Miglani, authored by RK Murthy D, Bhat R, Kumar and published In J Postgrad Med.
  • Presentation, Diagnosis and Management of Hemobilia published in Gastroenterology today, co-authored by Bhat RS, Dwivedi DN
  • Anorectal Anomalies in Adults-Laparoscopic Management and Review of Literature. Ripan K. Miglani, Divakar Murthy, Ravi Shanker Bhat, Kumar K. V. Ashok. Indian J Surg, Published online on 21st Jan 2012.
  • Diagnostic Role of Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio(PLR) in Pancreatic Head Masses. Ripan K. Miglani, Neeraj Bhateja, Ravi Shanker Bhat, K. V. Ashok Kumar. Indian J Surg, Published online on 27th March 2012.
  • Elective use of intra-aortic balloon pumping during Whipple’s procedure in a patient with ischaemic heart disease. Subramanayam K, Babu B, Bhat R, Reddy S. South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2013;19(1):77-79.
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomywith prior uterine artery ligation at its origin. Vidyashree G poojari, Vidya V Bhat, Ravishankar Bhat. Int J Of Reproductive Medicine Nov 2014
  • Contributed widely for research projects. Notable among them are:
  • Role of octreotide in lower G.I.bleed: A preliminary report of a prospective randomized study. The results of the research was - Octreotide reduces the blood loss, number of bleeding episodes and time taken for the bleeding to stop
  • Diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography in advanced carcinoma gall bladder. The research results were -CECT is sensitive in detecting liver infiltration and lymph node involvement. It is specific in identifying liver metastasis, biliary infiltration. CECT is less specific for lymph node involvement.
  • Recipient of Dr.Mahadevan’s award that was given by the Karnataka state Chapter of Association of surgeon of India. This award was issued at for the paper on surgical management of Portal hypertension