Dr. Prasanna K S

Dr. Prasanna K S
Experience :
25 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Liver Transplant
Department :
Hospital :
Dr. Prasanna is the latest addition to the team of Medical Gastroenterology at Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore. He brings with him dedication and commitment to take the department to the next level.
Work Experience
- Dr. Prasanna is well versed in the invasive endoscopic gastrointestinal procedures.
- He manages complicated gastrointestinal and liver disease and performs complicated endoscopic procedures.
- He has obtained special training in gastrointestinal manometry and pH metry
Special Interest
- Field of luminology and motility disorders of Esopohagus and ano-rectum.
- Endoscopic gastrointestinal procedures.
Unique Contribution
- Dr. Prasanna has contributed to several Research activities, these include
- Drug –Induced liver injury with hypersensitivity features has a better outcome: a single- center experience of 39 children and adolescents.
- Characteristics of Ascites in Patients with Pregnancy-Specific Liver Diseases.
- He has also contributed to several Abstracts namely
- Mortality prediction with a simple model of bilirubin and international normalized ratio (INR) in pregnancy specific liver diseases (PSLD).
- Ascitic paracentesis in patients with Buddchiari Syndrome on oral anticoagulation is safe despite high INR.
- Modified TIPS for Budd Chiari syndrome:experience from a tertiary centre in north india.
- Prediction of survival in patients with cirrhosis using different prognostic models.