Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy

Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy
Experience :
41 Years
Education :
Specialization :
Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Department :
Hospital :
Medical Council Registration
KMC - 19264
Special Interests
- Infertility (IVR).
- Gynecology Surgery.
- Vaginal Hysteroscopy & Myomectomy.
Work Experience
Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy is a distinguished name in the field of obstetrics andGynecology Surgery.
Having over three decades of experience, she is with the Apollo Hospital Bangalore, as a Senior Consultant and Coordinator of the Department
Fellowships and Memberships
- Dr Chitra is a member for various Associations.
- She is actively involved as a member of the Indian Medical Association,
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of India,
- Gynaec Oncology Society of India and Infertility Society of India
Awards and Achievements
Gold Medalist Young Surgeon Award - 1998
Unique Contribution
Dr Chitra is a member for various Associations. She is actively involved as a member of the Indian Medical Association, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of India, Gynaec Oncology Society of India and Infertility Society of India.